Clearwell Pest Control Services


Clearwell Pest Control Services are designed to be proactive in managing potential pest issues which can adversely affect our customers property or facilities.

All our Pest Management programmes are environmentally sensitive as well as providing a highly effective strategy for both commercial and residential locations.


At Clearwell we aware and support fully environmental considerations by UK Government and official Pest Control bodies, such as BPCA and CEPA, in limiting the use of harmful substances in the work we provide to our customers. 

Oftentimes the impact of substances used historically can have more impact than that of the pest it removes, so everything we do as a business needs to consider everything in balance. Our technicians are trained to the high levels enabling our services to provide the right solutions to every problem, wherever they are used or implemented, especially in food production or management facilities.

Pesticides & Poisons

Clearwell's reputation hinges on using the right materials and equipment in the right environment. Our use of poisons and pesticides is limited and strictly controlled. In many scenarios today we use non-toxic alternatives in order to avoid harmful exposure to the environment and people, in whatever circumstance we are given.

This element of our service is critical in almost every situation we work in and is tightly administered by the accredited organisations we are a part of including the BPCA and CEPA.
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Alternative Methodologies

Many alternatives are available to reduce the effects pesticides have on the environment. Alternatives include manual removal of pests, application of heat, using coverings of plastic or netting, placing traps and lures, removing pest breeding sites, maintaining regular and effective pest control procedures to ensure breeding is strictly controlled.

Adopting a variety of all of the above deals effectively with more resistant pests, managing native species' that are naturally more resistant to native pests and supporting biocontrol agents such as birds and other pest predators.

Can Pests Develop Resistance? 

If so, what can I do about it while balancing environmental need?
Many pests can evolve becoming resistant to pesticides, which they initially susceptible to. Following mutations in their genetic makeup from generation to generation resistance is developed meaning those which survive reproduce abundantly.
At Clearwell we manage this through the rotation of pesticides, which involves providing a variety in classes of non-toxic pesticides to delay of or ease pest resistance.
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Standard Control Contracts



Per quarter 

Quarterly inspections, document completion, cleaning & resetting 

Monthly Control Contracts



Per month 

Perfect for companies where regular inspections are needed, including documentation, cleaning and resetting 

Custom Control Contracts



Per month 

Perfect for large companies, large facilities or companies with varying needs

The Benefits of Leaving Bees be! 

As a part of a responsible pest management industry we’ve pledged to educate customers on the benefits of bees as pollinators, their behaviour
and their lifecycle – before taking any lethal action. 
To download the BPCA guide click HERE or click below to get in touch. 
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